By Jim Whitt
If you have not been receiving my Eletter lately it is not due to technical difficulty. It is due to cognitive difficulty. In my case the cognitive difficulty is what’s known as Writer’s Block.
Simply put Writer’s Block is when you sit down to write and you can’t. Your mind is just as blank as the screen on the computer. I’ve read about writers who have suffered from this malady but have never experienced it myself – until now.
So, I have taken a sabbatical from writing the last few weeks. It really wasn’t like I had much choice – I couldn’t come up with anything anyway!
I want to make sure that what I write is in a format that is enjoyable to read and makes a difference in your life and your work. I’m confident that my case of Writer’s Block is a temporary thing and I’ll be back in the saddle again (the fact that I’ve managed to write this is a positive development!).
So, stay tuned – hopefully, more issues will be coming your way soon.
You may reprint this article in your own print or electronic newsletter, but please include the following: “Reprinted from the Purpose Unlimited E-Letter: For a free subscription, go to Copyright © 2010 Jim Whitt Purpose Unlimited.”
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