Is what you do important?
By Jim Whitt I was on a conference call as part of my preparation for speaking at a staff development meeting for a trade association.
By Jim Whitt I was on a conference call as part of my preparation for speaking at a staff development meeting for a trade association.
By Jim Whitt Fishing brings to mind Rockwellian visions of barefoot boys lounging lazily on a creek bank with cane poles, a can of worms
By Jim Whitt This is an excerpt from Chapter 6 of The Transformational Power of Purpose: Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life: In our reward
By Jim Whitt A friend sent me an article entitled In a Downturn, Provoke Your Customers* in which the authors write about provocation-based selling. Being
By Jim Whitt If you’ve ever watched Cesar Millan’s TV show, The Dog Whisperer, you’ve seen some amazing transformations take place with dogs and their
By Kay Caldwell What are the lessons for success? There are many recommendations from some very successful people. I just finished reading a list from
By Gerald Daniels & Jim Whitt As you’re reading this you already know the outcome of the election, but as it is being written, politicians
By Kay Caldwell Have you ever met someone who you would describe as extraordinary? I have. You’ve probably heard of my friend Herb Kelleher, who
By Sondra Whitt We often look at successful people and think they somehow miraculously arrived at the place in life where we currently see them.
By Gerald Daniels All over the countryside at this time of year you see hay cutters, hay rakes, and hay balers moving across the hay
By Gerald Daniels Charlie’s determination at work is evident to all who know him. His ability to complete most any work- related task in a