What an Ex Navy Fighter Pilot Has To Say About Pia, Scotty, Lauren and Leadership

I always enjoy hearing from readers. The following is an email I received from Steve that I thought was worth sharing…

Hi Jim,

I’m 65 years old, very conservative ex Navy fighter pilot and I watch American Idol every week with my seventeen year old daughter. We love the show and have a great time trying to outguess the judges and the American Public.  I admit our favorite was Pia, when she left Caitlyn picked Scotty to win it all, I picked Lauren.  This final week should be interesting but like Reba said we’re “winners either way.”

The reason I’m writing is to ask you to use the two finalists for some of your writing.  You reach a lot of people, let them know what the youth of American are really like, what they believe is important.  If you happened to see their homecomings you can’t help but feel proud of these young kids.  They are at the top of their game, but they both still know what’s important, their families and friends, and they are not ashamed to show it.

I think managers need to have that same grounding.  As a person moves up the ladder the more that grounding needs to show, not to your peers on the ladder but to the people you left behind, the people you’re now leading. It just seems like there must be some leadership message in the way these two handle success.

Enjoy your articles,


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